US Algorithmic Accountability vs. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act:

What can they learn from each other?
Artificial Intelligence Act In the realm of regulating automated decision systems (ADS), the US Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 (US AAA) and the European Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AIA)stand as significant legislative proposals. While they originate from different political contexts and legislative traditions, they share commonalities and exhibit not able differences. The US AAA focuses on regulating "criticaldecision processes" rather than "high-risk AI systems," avoiding ontological debates and accounting for varying degrees of automation . In contrast, the EU AIA takes a broader approach, encompassing risk assessment, conformity assessment, and market surveillance for AI systems . Both acts, however, share a commitment to establishing governance infrastructure to ensure the ethical, legal, and safe use of ADS. They refrain from prohibiting or limiting ADS, instead emphasizing accountability and transparency. Furthermore, both acts recognize the need for future-proofing and adapting to technological advancements. While the US AAA and the EU AIA differ in scope, focus, and enforcement mechanisms, they converge in their pursuit of striking abalance between innovation and protection. These legislative proposals provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with regulatingADS, paving the way for a more accountable and ethically-driven AI landscape.